Zeiss LSM 980 with Airyscan 2
To get ahead in your research you may want to image the smallest structures, catch the faintest signals or track the fastest processes – or do all of that at once. When it comes to getting accurate data from live cells or other weakly-labeled samples, there is no such thing as too much sensitivity, resolution or speed. Each photon of emission light is precious.
With Airyscan you have the unrivaled combination of fast super resolution and sensitive confocal image acquisition at hand. Use multicolor samples with any label and get image quality like you’ve never seen before. Decide on this novel detector design and get a 4-8× improvement in signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) while simultaneously achieving a 1.7x increase in resolution. You will also be harnessing this unique combination of greater SNR and resolution at increased acquisition speeds of 27fps (at 480 x 480 pixels).